Active Spaces; What Do They Look Like?

We often tie being active to more formalised sports, such as team games, running, cycling or the gym and gym classes. This is great if you are already motivated to participate in formalised sport but we know that physical activity goes beyond this and others may find these types of active spaces too challenging or quite intimidating.


An active space/community can be something far more subtle, beautiful spaces that draw people in and gently encourages people of all ages and abilities to become more active. Greenspace has always been identified with health and wellbeing. But how can we make these places work harder to develop key skills from childhood that will encourage life long active lifestyles?

Oxhey Activity Park was developed to do just that and encourages visitors to engage with the space around them. Oxhey park doesn’t have formalised outdoor gym equipment but it provides activity in various other ways, encouraging users of all ages, genders and abilities to participate.



Elected Mayor of Watford, Peter Taylor said “One of the key parts of my manifesto was to improve Watford’s parks and green spaces and get more people out and about enjoying these facilities. Since the outbreak of Covid-19 places like this has never been more important, people need places where they can connect with nature, take exercise and also have fun. There is strong evidence that open green spaces have a huge impact on people’s health and well-being. I’m delighted these fantastic, accessible facilities are now open and hope people of all ages enjoy them.”​

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