Mental Health First Aid Awareness

Mental Health

Michelle Douglas, Business Support Manager at Jupiter Play has just completed her ProQual Level 2 Award in Mental Health First Aid Awareness course. This course provides learners with a deep understanding of what mental health is and what are the signs of different mental health crises. It mainly educates trainees about the roles and responsibilities of mental health first aider to maintain the well-being of employees at work.

Topics of this course included:

– What is Mental Health

– Mental Health Issues & Disorders

– Giving Mental Health First Aid

– Communication Skills

– Putting Mental Health First Aid into Actions-Case Studies

Pre-pandemic, mental health was already becoming an increasing focus for employers and employees alike, and the effect of successive lockdowns has only exacerbated the issue. Here at Jupiter Play we are constantly learning and improving our support offering in a way that best suits our employees.

“The pandemic put mental health front and centre, but to have a real impact, it’s crucial that employee wellbeing is embedded in an organisation’s culture. – Rachel Credidio, Director at Aster Group

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