The Great Realisation

Nature is not a place to visit it is home

Why hindsight’s 2020

You may be familiar with the very popular poem by Tom Foolery called ‘The Great Realisation’, about how Covid-19 caused everyone to rethink their priorities and make positive changes to how we live.

The sentiment of this poem resonates through into our outdoor spaces, creating meaningful places that truly benefit local communities. We have a real opportunity to shape our green spaces to be the community hubs we so valued through lockdown, can our play spaces provide more connections to nature and be part of the green recovery for the UK? We think so …

Now is not the time for bang for buck or tokenism but enhancing peoples lives through thoughtful and considered design.

The majority of Local Authorities across the UK confirmed a huge increase in the use of parks and also the use of every single inch of the space, discovering previously ignored areas within the park. Pocket parks are now more important than ever, particularly those in highly urbanised areas – every green space is being utilised!

In a recent survey by countryside charity CPRE (2020) found that four in ten people are feeling a stronger sense of local community.

The Great Realisation

We are starting our popular webinar series again, starting with, ‘Home is Where The Park is; The Pandemic & Nature’, which discussed the above in great detail. Sign up here to learn more on this pressing topic.

Nature is not a place to visit it is home

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