Houlton Fields Destination Play Area, Rugby

Whiting Landscape Ltd
Installed 2018

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“Houlton’s new adventure playground is going down a storm with our young residents. Featuring a showpiece tower, a bridge loop and sandpit area, as well as swings, slides and climbing equipment, the space has been designed to cater for team games and picnics as well as feature a nature trail.”

Houlton is named after the town in Maine, USA that received the very first transatlantic voice broadcast from the Rugby Radio Station in 1927. This 6,200 homes development is built around the iconic 820ft radio masts and building. Set within 1,200 acres of beautiful open space, this development is an unspoiled, super-connected place with a rich history and exciting future.Community engagement and fulfilment are at the very heart of this development scheme, Urban&Civic who designed the master plan recognised that outdoor activities and spaces are pivotal for creating thriving communities and are important for their health and wellbeing.

Houlton Fields is ‘The Destination Playground’ and the first of many on this development, it was opened to the community in the Summer of 2019. This play space uses landform to create natural play opportunities, vertical levels to engage and accommodate several age groups needs (catering ages 0-12+), combined natural and structured play through the use of equipment, mounding, natural features & woodland trails.


Commonly regarded amongst five-year-old’s as “the bestest park ever”.

In Eurocell plc’s research of 1,000 UK residents, 74% of respondents agreed that housing areas should not just be thought of as individual properties and should instead support healthy local neighbourhoods. This is particularly important right now, as people are staying closer to home and are more likely to create connections in the immediate area. Attracting people from other local areas is also a huge benefit to these play spaces and attract people to local cafes and pubs but for people too. We have a brilliant example of someone travelling to visit Houlton Fields and wrote a brilliant piece on her time there with her family.

Houlton Field

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