Interactive Play Tours – Book Your Place!

Active Communities: Tour of Hertsmere’s Interactive Sites

The time is now to start re-thinking how we engage people of all ages to be more active. Red Dot Award Winners Yalp have created a series of 5 interactive outdoor play and sports products that are proving to engage children, teenagers, and the community to be more active.

On April the 3rd Hertsmere Borough Council, Yalp and Jupiter Play are teaming together to take clients, partners, and colleagues on a tour of interactive sites across Borehamwood, allowing them to experience the products first hand. Hertsmere Borough Council are proud owners of all five interactive play sets after the success of their first installation in 2015 and its impact on levels of obesity and inactivity.

Sona, Quote, Testimonial, Interactive, Yalp

If you would like to book a place onto the seminar, please email –

We will also be hosting a seminar in Ollerton, Nottinghamshire on the 29th April, if you are interested in attending this event please email us – using ‘Ollerton’ in the subject heading.

We hope to see you there!

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