First-ever Welsh Speaking Sona

First Welsh language Sona play arch has been installed in Central Park, Barry. It is the first interactive to be installed in Wales and it the first-ever version to include both Welsh and English language software.

Vale council deputy leader and cabinet member for education and regeneration, Cllr Lis Burnett said: “We are excited to welcome this fantastic piece of kit to Central Park and are proud to home the first Welsh-language version of the unit.

Yalp’s state-of-the-art design offers a range of exciting and ever-developing games and is the first phase of a series of works to transform the play area.

Buttrills ward councillor, Ian Johnson said: “A quarter of Barry’s primary schools are Welsh medium education so I’m pleased that the Sona games will be in both Welsh and English.

“That will also help other children and parents to learn and improve their Welsh, something for parents to consider when they take their children to the park.

Houlton Field

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